Evaluation of Ankle Syndesmosis Radiographs by Artificial Intelligence
Faculty Mentor’s Name: Dr. Christopher Reb
Email: rebcw@ortho.ufl.edu
Phone Number: (352) 273-7044
Project Category: Clinical
International Component or Travel: Potentially
If your project has an international component please give details (where, when, data collection involved, etc.): When presenting research – many basic science fields rely on international meetings as primary level meeting to present novel findings
Research Project Description:
Project stems from Reb (Ortho) – Nichols (BME) lab group. Help needed to select ankle CT scans suitable for loading into to a proprietary computer program which interprets ankle syndesmosis images. BME and Computer Science students writing code to create and validate synthetic data set to then train AI on task performance.
Student experience will include IRB preparation, CT review, lab meeting participation, participation data interpretation, and opportunities for primary authorship if merited by level of effort.