Essential history topics for understanding and navigating modern health dilemmas
Ms. Nina Stoyan-Rosenzweig
(352) 219-1801
Faculty Department/Division
Health Humanities
This project is primarily:
Research Project Description:
How does the history of vaccine resistance or the history of human response to infectious disease outbreaks help understand present behavior and potentially be able to plan how to work with persistent responses? Many current concerns and problems that impact how medicine is practiced have historical roots. This project aims to identify a series of topics- based in part on materials in the Health Science Center Library Archives (includes but not limited to historical materials on vaccine resistance, as well as attitudes toward people with disabilities, and babies born with congenital anomalies) and others-, to develop educational materials and discussion sessions open to medical students, undergraduates, faculty and staff.
Does this project have an international component or travel?
Prescribing nature: Using art to assist in identifying healing nature
Ms. Nina Stoyan-Rosenzweig
(352) 219-1801
Faculty Department/Division
Health Humanities
This project is primarily:
Research Project Description:
This project will focus on researching the value of using art, particularly art from the Harn Museum’s Florida Collection to assist patients in identifying healing nature, based on recent research showing how nature-based therapies provide multiple healing benefits. Student researchers will develop teaching materials for use in the museum and a toolkit for use outside of museum settings, and will recruit volunteers to serve in focus groups preliminary to work with patients.
Does this project have an international component or travel?