Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2023

Forging new paths in treating chronic pain and improving function

Dr. Kimberly Sibille


(352) 294-5846

Faculty Department/Division
PM&R, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

This project is primarily:

Research Project Description:
Inspired by experiences working in healthcare, research from my lab focuses on bridging the biomedical, behavioral, andpsychosocial chasm in chronic pain. Chronic pain is a major public health issue with significant functional and financialconsequences affecting individuals, the community, and the healthcare system. Even more concerning, the consequences ofchronic pain extend beyond disability and decreased quality of life to include an increased incidence of morbidity and mortality.Research investigation and clinical management of chronic pain is difficult due to significant individual variability and the lack ofbiological indices with which to evaluate risk and protective factors, progression, and treatment response.
Our scientific pursuits are specific to investigating the biological interface of chronic pain, resilience, and factors contributing tohealth disparities. Overarching goals are to: 1) improve the phenotyping of chronic pain, 2) delineate resilience and vulnerabilityfactors, and 3) identify biobehavioral strategies to optimize chronic pain treatment and health outcomes. Based on an establishedphysiological model, our lab has developed a pain phenotyping measure, Chronic Pain Stage, with findings spanning biological,cognitive, and physical functioning. Additionally, research is underway on a pain resilience index that is associated with biologicalmeasures and clinically applicable.
Long-term research intentions are to increase understanding of the biological interface of chronic pain and associated factors; toformulate a clinical composite for assessing and evaluating treatment interventions; and to identify strategies and targets toprevent, reduce or ameliorate chronic pain and enhance functioning. Please visit our website:

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