Cardiology 2023 Projects

Prevalence and Rationale for Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring Among Patients with Known Coronary Disease

Dr. David Winchester


(352) 273-9076

Faculty Department/Division
Cardiovascular Medicine

This project is primarily:

Research Project Description:
Coronary artery calcium (CAC) scoring is a well-validated approach for estimating risk of heart attack and death among asymptomatic patients. CAC scoring has no role in the assessment of patients with known coronary artery disease, such as patients with a prior heart attack, coronary stent, or bypass surgery. The use of CAC scoring in this scenario is discouraged by the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. This project will identify patients who underwent CAC scoring despite a known diagnosis of coronary artery disease to 1) describe the prevalence of this practice and 2) evaluate why CAC scoring testing was performed in individual cases. The student will assist in data gathering and entry with the expectation of presenting the research at a scientific meeting and participating in publishing a manuscript on the results. With access to internet and medical records, the student can work remotely.

Does this project have an international component or travel?