Otolaryngology 2023

Immunopathology of chronic sinusitis

Dr. Jennifer Mulligan

(352) 273-8638

Faculty Department/Division
Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine

This project is primarily:

Research Project Description:
The laboratory of Jennifer Mulligan, PhD, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, in collaboration with Jeb Justice, MD and Brian Lobo,MD, Department of Otolaryngology, welcome medical students interested in conducting translational research related to theimmunopathology of chronic sinusitis (CRS). CRS affects up to 16% of the US population with direct costs of nearly $22 billion peryear. Its negative impact on quality of life exceeds other chronic conditions, such as heart failure and chronic obstructivepulmonary disease.
In conjunction with senior members of the research team, students will be given the opportunity to develop and execute their ownunique project as a part of several ongoing NIH-funded studies. At the completion of the rotation, students will be stronglyencouraged to prepare a first author manuscript and present their findings at an upcoming meeting of the American RhinologicSociety (virtual or in person). Potential research topics may include, but are not limited to, airway delivery of vitamin D to improveepithelial cell dysfunction related to CRS, role of epithelial cell complement production in CRS and identification of novelmediators of olfactory dysfunction. Additional information about these projects can be found on NIH Reporter(https://projectreporter.nih.gov/reporter.cfm).

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