Assessment of Medical Student Wellbeing in Florida
Dr. Lisa Merlo
(352) 294-4932
Faculty Department/Division
This project is primarily:
Research Project Description:
In order to better understand factors currently affecting medical student wellbeing in the State of Florida, this project will surveystudents across all 10 medical schools. Items will assess mental and emotional wellbeing, burnout, stress, exposure toharassment/discrimination/bullying, coping strategies, substance use, institutional supports, etc. The MSRP student will assist withanalysis of the survey results, and will contribute to preparation of abstracts for conference presentation. It is expected that thestudent will have the opportunity for authorship on a peer-reviewed scientific publication.
Does this project have an international component or travel?
Medical Student Wellbeing Curriculum Evaluation
Dr. Lisa Merlo
(352) 294-4932
Faculty Department/Division
This project is primarily:
Research Project Description:
In order to facilitate the development of competent, compassionate physicians who find balance and fulfillment in their personaland professional lives, the UFCOM has integrated a provider-patient wellness curriculum within the longitudinal CollaborativeLearning Group experience. For this MSRP project, the student research assistant will work on IRB-approved educationalresearch related to this program. Specifically, the student will help with evaluating and revising existing educational modules, aswell as developing additional modules for implementation and evaluation. Data will be used to prepare submissions for publicationin a medical education journal such as MedEdPORTAL. It is expected that the student will have opportunities for authorship.
Does this project have an international component or travel?
Medical Student & Physician Wellbeing
Dr. Lisa Merlo
(352) 294-4932
Faculty Department/Division
This project is primarily:
Literature Review
Research Project Description:
Student will contribute to one or more projects related to medical student and/or physician well-being. May include literature review and writing, collection/analysis of survey data, and/or other special project(s). Specific projects and tasks will be determined via discussion with Dr. Merlo based on student interest, time constraints of the MSRP, availability of options, and student goals for the experience (i.e., interest in gaining co-authorship on presentations or publications).
Does this project have an international component or travel?