Education in opioid prescribing
Opioid prescribing among emergency room providers
Opioid prescribing among surgical residents
Visual-Spatial and Psychomotor Skills for Ultrasonography: Evaluation of a simulator
Assessment of Non-Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Women
Is measuring troponin level post percutaneous coronary intervention helpful
Prognosis of ST abnormalities on pharmacological nuclear cardiac stress testing
Magnetic cryoprotecting agents for heart bio-banking
Community Health and Family Medicine
Reducing non-emergent pediatric ER visits in the Eastside Gainesville population
Investigating expression of claudin-1 in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
The neonatal cutaneous microbiome and its role in the development of pediatric skin disease- taken
Emergency Medicine
Emergency dept. care during cancer therapy – project taken
Understanding patient factors associated with readmission for sepsis (JAX)
Emergency dept. care during cancer therapy – project taken
Effects of attending provider-at-triage on emgergncy department patient satisfaction
HEAT-ED: emergency Department flu heat map study
Molecular linkages between adipose tissue and breast cancer subtypes by race
Family Medicine
Assessing the status of student run free clinics at US allopathic medical schools
Health Outcomes and Policies
Implementation research to improve tobacco use treatment in cancer patients
Infectious Disease
Prospective Surveillance Study of Antimicrobial Utilization in Hospitalized Children
Internal Medicine
Increased incidence of sulfa allergies in patients with lupus and how to mitigate it
Treatment of vitamin D deficiency with ergocalciferol: are current treatment guidelines adequate?
Medical students’ perception of lectures
International – contact Dr. Elizabeth DeVos ( or Meghan Nodurft-Froman ( to discuss projects
Research in non-communicable diseases, cervical cancer and breast cancer in Haiti
Assessment of pre-departure interprofessional training for global health experiences
Assessing education in Local/Global Health Equity
Long Term complications of Catheter Related Bacteremia in Dialysis Patients Treated with Catheter Salvage
Matrix Stiffness and Regulation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Calcification
Therapy of MPS IIID with stem cells and gene therapy
Chronic Widespread Musculoskeletal Pain is Dependent on Central Pain Facilitation
Drivers of arboviral emergence
Personalized Medicine for Patients with Cancer
Drug development for Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Adipose-derived stem cells in rescue of ischemic organs and tissues
Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor clinical and basic research
Study of cerebral aneursym formation, rupture and treatment
Management of cerebral vasculopathy in pediatric sickle cell disease – PEDS NEURO (JAX)
The ICH and FUNC scores: Evidence based implications on prognostication
Predictors of delay in presentation and early neurological worsening in acute ischemic stroke
Discovery of genes that mediate Alzheimer’s disease pathogensis in “humanized flies”
Defining the role of Rab proteins in Neurodegeneration
Patient reported outcomes in MS patients
The impact of highly effective therapies in fatigue in MS patients
Evaluating the use of ankle foot orthotics in Florida
Clinical trajectories of concussion
Left eye dominance and dyslexia
Vertical neglect; hemispherical localization
Left hand apraxia in right handed participants
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Implementing a prospective registry for female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery
Is the IUD associated with an increased risk for vulvovaginal candidiasis? – project taken
Does an on-site perinatal mood clinic impact affective disorders in pregnant/postpartum women?
Neuroanatomy of the pituitary with clinical and surgical correlations for the REI
Outpatient pediatric clinics ophthalmology experience
Gene therapy for blue cone monochormacy caused by C203R mutation
Burnout in Academic Ophthalmology residents, faculty and leadership
Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
A-PREP: A pragmatic randomized trial evaluating pre-operative aqueous antiseptic skin solution in open fractures
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor clinical and basic research
Utility of screening Xray in a Sports Medicine Clinic
Investigating the tumor immune microenvironment in head and neck cancer
Impact of a CLIA-waived molecular respiratory panel in a pediatric clinic
Vaccination rates in UF General Pediatrics Clinics
The impact of the UF COM’s Nutrition Intensive on medical students’ perceptions and step scores
Physiology and Functional Genomics
Molecular mechanisms underlying heart failure
Molecular mechanisms underlying congenital heart disease
Florida Recovery Center Addiction Research Lab
Preclinical imaging of adolescent cannobidiol on brain structure and functional connectivity
Assessment of medical student wellness in the state of Florida
Serum neurotensin and zonulin levels in a large sample of children with autism spectrum disorder
Radiation Oncology
Emergency dept. care during cancer therapy – project taken
Chronic Stress and Anemia Recovery following Major Trauma
Education in opioid prescribing
Opioid prescribing among emergency room providers
Opioid prescribing among surgical residents
Association of bulk blood flow with hemodialysis arteriovenous fistula maturation
Renal Failure as a consequence of BPH (bening prostatic hyperplasia)
Patient outcomes in children following bladder neck surgery for urinary incontinence
Patient outcomes with urologic conditions following pediatric renal transplantation