Bioethics, Law and Medical Professionalism 2025

Ethical/Legal Issues in Medicine

Prof. Lauren Solberg


(352) 273-5142

Faculty Department/Division
Bioethics, Law and Medical Professionalism

This project is primarily:

Research Project Description:
Students interested in conducting research on a topic of their choice related to medical ethics and law should reach out. We will discuss potential areas of interest and develop a plan for a project. Projects can involve a variety of research methods; I especially encourage students to consider research such as policy papers. Examples of topics could include ethical/legal issues in genetics, reproductive health, physician-assisted suicide, health care in the criminal justice system, geriatric care, health insurance, etc. Projects
from prior years have included topics such as a discussion of the confidentiality of genetic information discovered post-mortem; a study of physician-assisted suicide laws, comparing and contrasting the language used and the ethical implications; ethical pain management in women’s health; and various ethical/legal issues in pediatric and adolescent medicine, among others.

Does this project have an international component or travel?