Ophthalmology 2024 Projects

Prevention of intravitreal associated endophthalmitis via varying disinfection methodologies

Dr. Jonathan Hu


(617) 388-8838
Faculty Department/Division

This project is primarily:

Research Project Description:
Intravitreal injections are one of the most commonly performed procedures in ophthalmology. While they have transformed the management of vitreoretinal disease, endophthalmitis (intraocular infections) remains a major risk for the procedure. Prior research has examined rates and risk factors for endophthalmitis, primarily using large databases of clinical records. This project will focus on whether different disinfection and preparation methodologies impact the infection rates in an eye model. The student will be the primary researcher. There is also an opportunity for research on an existing UF endophthalmitis database for those interested in a retrospective review. Shadowing opportunities in the clinic are available during the summer as well.

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